Archive for the ‘NHL’ Category


Loud Shouting Coming From the Back of the Airplane

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Late last Thursday night I was nodding off during my Southwest flight from San Jose back to Austin. The trip to Google I/O was great, but I was completely wiped. Add in the bonus of no one in the middle seat, and I was having the most restful nap of the week.

Through the fog of sleep, I mostly ignored some mumbling over the loud speaker, but the loud shouting from the back of the plane shot me straight up in my seat.

What’s going on? Is someone sick? Is someone being attacked?

Nope. San Jose just took the lead against Detroit in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Semis.

There’s nothing like NHL Playoff Hockey. Nothing. That’s why I’m happy to announce the 2011 NHL Playoffs version of the Game Tracker. So far, three out of five of the Conference Finals games have already gone HOT. In a pivotal Game 3, what will the Sharks and Canucks do tonight?

Rest In Peace, Sports Ticker

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

It may not have a catchy name, but mid-April to mid-May is at the top of my favorite sports “months” of the year. With the NHL Playoffs starting off in style last night, the NBA starting its playoff push on Saturday, and the MLB season in full swing, there are a slew of games each and every day.

Standing against that backdrop of joy makes it that much harder for me to break the following news:

The Sports Ticker that we know and love is dead.

Never to be faulted for effort, that reliable friend seen everywhere from our living room TV to our favorite smartphone app, had dutifully churned through each and every score of the day for decades. Sure, it took up room on your beautiful new flat-screen even when you didn’t need it, and sure, if you missed the actual game you’re looking for it was another 12 minutes before you realized you just missed it again, and sure…well, you get the point.

The cause of death is still being speculated, but the culprit has been confirmed.

I’m thrilled to introduce the Are You Watching This?! Game Tracker, the new application that revolutionizes sports fan multi-tasking. At a glance you can easily track dozens of games at a time, and with built-in TV listings and the ability to rewind individual games back in time (drag the dot), or rewind the whole tracker back in time (click the date), it’s Christmas in April for the Superfan.

Today we’re launching as an embeddable widget, a historic excitement viewer (check out Butler vs. Florida or what a No-Hitter lost in the 8th looks like), and in our featured sports Chrome Web App.

I don’t want to alarm anyone…

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

…but there’s Football on TV this weekend. No, I’m serious.

In just five days we’ll have T.O. and the Bills go up against the Titans in the Hall of Fame Game on NBC. Granted they’ll all be just going through the motions, but it’s football, people. Nothing says “The dog days of summer are over!” like Football and a good ol’ YouTube Tuesday, and thankfully our friends from across the pond have the perfect video for it.

Now That’s More Like It

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

I’m just gonna come right out and say it:

March was a major letdown.

Whew. Finally got that out.

I don’t know if it was just me, but it just seemed like March was a month full of total snoozers. March Madness was so Badness I even sat down to watch the Women’s title game hoping for something good—22-point blowout.

But boy, has April stepped it up. We seem to be having at least one great game every night, and today we have 4(!) NBA playoffs games, 2 NHL playoff games, Yanks/Sawx at the Fens, 500 miles of Talladega, AND the 2nd day of the draft!

It’s a smörgåsbord of great games on TV today. Check the snack situation and slide on the sweatpants. No reason to leave the couch today, kids.

Keeping the Regular Season Interesting

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

Well that was fun.

Fresh off of a 10-3, rolling through the playoffs to win it all performance in my NFL Fantasy league last year, I put up a big stinker in 2008. I’ll finish under-.500, miss the playoffs, and I’m still blaming Eli and the Giants D for costing me a must-win back in Week 6.

And just as a side-note, you shot yourself Plax? Really? Really?!?

Anyways, without Fantasy to keep me occupied my productivity on Sundays is threatening to skyrocket, and I just can’t have that. So to keep things interesting I’m dipping my toe into the world of, out first NFL sport sponsor at I’m a sportsbook n00b, but I figure this is a great way to add some spice to the rest of the regular season. This week? I’m liking the Colts giving 6½ at the Browns.

This should be fun.

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Are you looking to reach the most passionate sports fans? Start advertising on RUWT? Sports today!

Bored? Talk to RUWTbot. He’ll listen to you.

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008

If you use MSN Messenger, Google Talk, or any Jabber client, you can now Instant Message RUWTbot.

Just add as a new contact, and you can ask him for sports scores for the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB. This is new for him, so be friendly. You can get the whole story straight from the source at

Examples of what you can ask him: suns scores, yankees news, nba news, nhl scores, tv espn2, tv tnthd

Try it now!

RUWTbot plotting invasion of Canada

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

One of my favorite features on RUWT? are the videos that are imported every day. There was the humorous dust up when the NHL temporarily blocked YouTube embeds, but RUWT? is the only sports site where you can watch NHL video recaps (with no ads!), while reading NHL news recaps.

You can’t talk hockey though, without talking Canada. Yes, I know that not all Canadians like Hockey, but my market research consisted of renting Strange Brew—forgive me. Our benevolent neighbors from the North have made their feelings known that they’d love to join the party, so I’m psyched to announce that in time for the NHL season, RUWT? will support Canadian TV listings at the end of next month.

In a perfect world I’d be announcing Canadian support today, but my funding is from American Express and Capital One, not Austin Ventures.

If you’re wishing there was a way to get Canada on board faster than 6 weeks…well…there is: get 100 Canucks to email us. That’s right, take it to the streets. Tell a friend. Post it on your blog. Heck, post it on MySpace, if you’re still using that crazy thing. If we get 100 Canadians to email, I’ll suck it up, go back to a Ramen diet, and you’ll be seeing TSN logos post-haste.

update: we have a facebook group now! join us and help spread the word!

Who said the NHL wasn’t fun?

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

Do you remember the “There goes the population in Convenville!” mystery? Well it turns out new RUWT? user jtlynchjr has the answer:

The reference is to Sabres second-year winger Jason Pominville. The running joke with the PBP team is that whenever he scores the population of “Pominville” increases.

And the play-by-play guy that rocked my world is named Rick Jeanneret, the longest-tenured announcer clocking in at 36 years straight broadcasting the Sabres. But don’t think Rick is a one trick pony—no, no, check out some more choice calls care of Wikipedia.

“Top shelf, where Momma hides the cookies!” most famous recurring call

“There have been more cheap shots in this game than in a Mexican Cantina during Happy Hour!” 2001 Eastern Conference Quarterfinals

“Pominville better open a Planned Parenthood ’cause it’s population is out of control!” reaction to Jason Pominville scoring two goals in a period

And since it’s a NHL lovefest today, the best sign of the playoffs so far.

Hockey Playoffs? I look forward to reading about them.

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

Everybody ready? The regular season is over, and it’s time for the NHL playoffs. With the NBA playoffs starting just a week later, this is actually a pretty underrated sports time of year.

Unfortunately, I won’t get to watch much playoff hockey (the only hockey I watch) because I don’t get Versus. There’ll be an occasional game on NBC, but for the most part, most of us will miss out. Keep an eye on the Video page for the most recent NHL recaps.

For YouTube Tuesday this week, here’s a playoff appetizer as the Islanders squeeze into the playoffs in their final game.

Comcast and RUWT? team up

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

“Comcast and RUWT? sitting in a tree. S-T-R-E-A-M-I-N-G…”

I am psyched to announce that Comcast and RUWT? are teaming up for the homestretch of the NHL season to get Hockey fans more great games. Comcast’s Hockey Live service is streaming a bunch of great matchups in the final couple weeks, and we’ll be integrating their broadcasts into the site.

Find a game on the site sporting a Red Light, and it’s available for streaming for free online. RUWTbot will be watching too, and will add these online games to the list of games you can get an alert for. For more info, check out the official page at