Archive for the ‘Site’ Category


60-Day Return Policy

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

Well it’s been two months since this crazy idea got off the ground. My lame excuse that “I bought it with cash so I don’t have a receipt” or my uber-witty comments to the cute girl at the returns counter just won’t work anymore—might as well celebrate. To mark a whopping two months of existence, we’re rolling out three new, great features on Monday. And you don’t even have to get us anything.

WHester asked if Wednesday’s Texas vs. Texas A&M game was the highest rated game we’ve had so far and surprisingly the answer is no. The whopping 203 points was a close second to the women’s double OT game between Texas Tech and Oklahoma back in January, but I have a feeling this game had more folks watching.

People, has there been a more exciting conference than the Big 12 this year? At first I thought maybe I was being a homer, but just about every week there’s another classic from that conference. Strap in for the Big 12 Tournament—you can bet it’s going to be nuts.

update: I know I said the new stuff was coming out today. But my dog ate it. I left it at home. The Internet was broken? Yeah. It’ll be out tomorrow. Almost definitely.

And…We’re Back!

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Wow. Well a lot has happened since I went to bed last night this morning. The videos seem to be working again, and the NHL is saying that they never told anyone to block embeds.

Was this a major YouTube bug? Internet Gremlins? Not sure yet, and it may be a while before we know for sure, but the important thing is that I’m an NHL fanboy again and I get to giggle at hockey recaps in French—’cause that’s really all that matters.

NHL Yanks Videos

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

Hey folks, I just got off the phone with someone at the NHL. Looks like the NHL wants you to see video recaps, but they don’t want anyone to spread the word. I’m not sure exactly when they flipped the switch, but as of right now the NHL is no longer letting anyone embed any of their YouTube videos on any other site.

Can someone explain this to me? Isn’t the whole point of YouTube to get more eyeballs on a video? I really thought that the NHL was doing a smart thing by pushing the envelope and embracing Web 2.0 to get more hockey in front of more people, (other than the once a month NBC game and All-Star game on Versus, of course), but it turns out they just don’t get it.

They’re putting their videos on YouTube, but they don’t understand why they’re putting their videos on YouTube.

So, for the time being, you’ll have to click on the video recap to go to YouTube’s site, and then watch the video there. Of course there won’t be any news, any way to know if the game is any good, or (god forbid!) the actual score of the game, but that’s how the NHL wants you to consume their product.

Canada or the Egg?

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

I had guessed that Canadian listings would be on the site by today, but they’re not here yet. We have Postal Code instead of ZIP Code everywhere, and the back-end code is just dying to munge on a LetterNumberLetter NumberLetterNumber pattern, but we’re still working on the data. The problem is getting the data increases our TV budget by 50%, but only 5% of our visitors are Canadian.

But Mark, if you get the data, won’t you get more Canadian visitors?

Yes. And that’s the rub. So we’re trying to find a solution including looking for sponsors. If you know anyone send them our way, eh?

Happy Valentine’s Day

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

Happy Valentine’s Day folks. I’ll be at a bar drinking and watching college basketball—just like last year. If you knew what’s good for you, you’d be doing the same.

Monday Monday

Monday, February 12th, 2007

I gotta admit, I’m pretty glad last week is done. Not because of the excessive ball I played this weekend that has every muscle in my body sore, but because we got pub from a lot of websites about our launch, including a review from the Siskel & Ebert of websites: The review was unexpected, so there was a lot of scrambling and IMs full of capital letters that maybe I’ll share sometime. The good news though, is we should hit 150 users tomorrow and people seem to be having fun.

It’s a good application of the community voting model that benefits greatly from the automated analysis of scores to determine interestingness. They also tie it all together by letting you track your watchlist by RSS and iCal feeds, check if your friends are getting a game you aren’t. (more from TechCrunch)

Its a combination of digg and tv guide but focused on sports. Basically people ‘digg’ a sports event that they’re currently watching, and alert others that theres a great game going on. Theres also a decent amount of video and recommended upcoming games. Its a pretty cool idea, and I thought i’d share it with you. (more from Hotfoot)

I really like the concept, how they’ve implemented it, and can’t wait to see what they plan to do with it in the future. (more from RotoNation)

Seemingly like every other week since RUWT? launched, this week will be a big one. We’re pounding the keyboards and the pavement to keep innovating and make sure you never miss a classic. As always, you can drop me a line with questions and feedback at

30-day return policy

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

I hope you kept the receipt Gonzaga, cause you can’t wear that glass slipper anymore. But it’s not all bad Bulldogs—once you have a pair of your players arrested for drug possession, you’re officially a big-time program.

I’ve shouted my congrats to Gonzaga and now you can too. Starting tonight, you can not only post shouts for games, but for any article you see on the site. And if the article is about a game, your shouts will be automatically added to the bleacher section.

ESPN Mobile, Round II

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Having spent over a hundred million dollars building the service from scratch (about $30 million for the commerical alone), it was always a question of “when” and not “if”, ESPN Mobile would make a comeback. Verizon was the provider that ESPN shuttled all its subscribers to when it shuttered its doors, so bringing back ESPN Mobile on Verizon’s network was probably the plan along.

Say it ain’t so. ESPN’s mobile service has returned from the grave and is nursing itself back to health over on Verizon Wireless’ VCAST service — not another MVNO, but a proper mobile content deal. more…

Get on the bandwagon

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

Hey folks, we have a new way for you to show your team pride: You can now put your pic where your passion is.

If you’re a real fan of your team, hop on the bandwagon to have your picture displayed on their home page. And then automagically, all of your favorite teams will be posted on your user profile for the world to see. I just hopped on the Yankees , Knicks (ugh), and the G-men.

Move quickly—users are sorted by who has been on the bandwagon the longest…

FanNation Acquired

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

Nothing witty to say, just very interesting news. It’s hard not to think about what it might mean for this site. There were lots of rumors about this back in December—looks like they finally got the deal done. This is awesome news for that entire team. Congrats.

Today, Sports Illustrated is announcing the acquisition of FanNation, albeit at a less ridiculous price: “at least” $20 million for both FanNation and an investment in parent company STI. more…