Buehrle pitched a no-hitter tonight. And we missed it.
We’ve processed 21,328 games thus far, but this was the first no-hitter. There was a bad assumption in the code, and RUWTbot never picked up on what was going on. Worst of all? I could have watched it on my TV.
The whole point of RUWT? is to catch the big games, but tonight we blew it.
[…] RUWT?blog How many instant classics have you missed? « Buehrle, Buehrle, Buehrle […]
[…] been one of the most memorable experiences of my life—some days are awesome, and some are just crushing. The constant, lingering question though is, will we make it? Paul Graham has an awesome post on […]
[…] of you early members of RUWTbot’s Army might remember the last time Mark Buehrle threw a no-hitter—I know I […]